solidarity during confinement
18/04/2020 19:52
- Uncertain times. We don’t know how world looks like after isolation. Immediate examples of solidarity all over the world. It’s important to celebrate it (friends, relatives, neighbors) people cares for the others (solidarity). A lot of samples of solidarity (make calls to old people solidarity who are alone at home and feel depressed..)
- Solidarity ethimological: ‘solidu’: solid (MUST REMAIN FOREVER NOT JUST FOR CRISIS MOMENT, FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION), strong, firm complete, French revolution doing things for the others, shared community interest, responsibility. How robust might be in the long term all this solidarity, or just a matter of temporal, what’s going to be solid after COVID. OUR DAILY PATH means we are more open than before going forward, opening new paths to collaborate with others after COVID
- How we put in the equation the most vulnerable it’s an opportunity. All of us work in corporate working key learning solidarity bunches, compassion . solidarity need to be build reinforced, nurture, its crucial (a risk is not done). Solidarity turns to some like us. Easy to express solidarity to those like us but more complex for those are different from us (poor, prostitute,…). From Europe we can say we are not example of solidarity for others (i.e refugees,..)
- What we can build from these examples of solidarity? How to care of the others, what can we build from us, open to possibilities from now on. Solidarity on the crisis moments we can ask fundamental questions how we aim to live with those more vulnerable, so let start with ourselves, if we wait for others to start nothing will change we must start from ourselves to see what we can do and what to build from them to be more inclusive society
Solidarity: not to give that you have plenty of but finding ways to share time, emotion, joy sadness with the others supporting support for those more vulnerable
Patoska philosophy:
Jan Patocka (Turnov, 1907-Praga, 1977), renombrado filósofo checo, fenomenólogo, seguidor de Husserl y defensor de Heidegger, fue uno de los pensadores más lúcidos e influyentes del movimiento cívico de resistencia al comunismo y dirigente del movimiento opositor Carta 77.
Tras años de magisterio clandestino, murió después de un interrogatorio policíaco de más de diez horas. Poco tiempo antes había dicho: "hoy la gente vuelve a saber que existen cosas por las que vale la pena sufrir, y que las cosas por las que eventualmente se sufre son aquéllas por las que vale la pena vivir".[
Lessons learnt of this crisis with regards to solidarity : we should things differently we don’t have phased people out, how long this will last after COVIT-19. We must build nurture, institutional mechanism to make this sentiments and solidarity remains after COVIT-19
VALUE OF DEMOCRACY WITHOUT SOLIDARITY? Some countries suffering more (south) and others in north (NL,GERMANY) seems not so much and not showing so much solidarity (governments, nations).
RSC. Solidarity. Firms taking advantage of this easy time to show solidarity only? Very hard to judge those initiatives from several companies. Its important they do that, not sure if we can say this is solidarity. Firing people and same time donating to poor people is this solidarity and RSC? HOW THIS THINGS ALIGNED TO THE NORMAL OPERATION OF THE FIRMS (this is the key question to judge better)?
Habit of solidarity how governments, citizens and firms get the habit of solidarity? Making this a natural things going out from all of us not just in front of crisis times. Let’s turn this into a habit, let’s keep doing it. how to put in place processes, spaces, mechanism to create moments to reflect about this to give continuity to all of this for this momentum not fading away people. State of exception now , no alternative OTHER than stay at home but we must fight to go back to normal and how to bring support to the most vulnerable ones. More inclusive and fair society we have the opportunity to build it from now on