
  • 09/01/2021 13:44

    Areas de Conocimiento prioritarias en 2021 (Self-Wikipedia)

    Tecnología 1- Agile Conjunto de best prácticas en desarrollo de software que aseguran que el desarrollo del producto final (deliverable) se lleva a cabo con un foco en el cliente (customer centric) y altamente iterativo y con un foco puesto en la implementación gradual/iterativa reducdiendo al...

  • 09/01/2021 13:40

    2021 deseos de cambio

    En pocos días, el 2020 termina (para alegría de muchos) las celebraciones van cesando y con ellas la euforia, ya no hay distracciones, e inevitablemente pensamos en lo que los 12 meses que han pasado, se han llevado. Es un periodo de nostalgia, que nos hace sentir vulnerables, sensibles e incluso...

  • 09/01/2021 13:40


    Cada año en Diciembre cuando me dispongo a acometer el balance del año que acaba, lo primero que hago es reflexionar en silencio sobre el año que se nos va. Este 2020 ha venido tristemente marcado por el maldito COVID-19 que ha cambiado nuestras vidas. A finales de 2019 llegaban noticias desde...

  • 25/12/2020 12:11

    Rethinking the future of American capitalism

    Capitalism has contributed to significant gains in economic growth and prosperity throughout its history. But at a time of growing public discontent about rising inequality, heightened competition from economies with different models, and existential threats including from climate change,...

  • 06/12/2020 16:57

    Building a great digital business

    What types of businesses are you seeing emerge out of this crisis? If you look back over the last century, we saw some of the world’s most successful businesses form during moments of crisis. For example, during the financial crisis, some fundamental assumptions were questioned. Do we need to own...

  • 20/06/2020 09:04

    How Silence Brings Satisfaction

    I think most of us would agree, modern day life has become so dominated by progress and achievement. By being efficient, productive and successful. ‘Crazy’, ‘busy’ and ‘frantic’ are words we often hear from friends or colleagues when we ask how they are doing. Imagine the reception you would get if...

  • 20/06/2020 08:54

    The Power of Resilience

      Billions of people around the world are experiencing not only a global health crisis of unprecedented proportions, but also severe economic distress. Vast unemployment amidst the COVID-19 crisis is resulting in  enormous financial challenges for many, compounded by mental health...

  • 14/06/2020 07:38

    La nueva configuración del trabajo tras la pandemia

    Covid-19 ha sacado a la luz nuestras vergüenzas España mas del 26% de personas con contrato temporales segundo ratio mas grande en Europa Ha hecho ver la falta de medios técnicos para Teletrabajo y también la conciliación , la mala conciliación La pandemia no va a solucionar el problema del trabajo...

  • 06/06/2020 22:54

    Coping with Fatigue, Fear, and Panic During a Crisis

    If you ask friends, family and colleagues how they are they are feeling in the current situation the following will be very familiar: “Exhausted, overwhelmed, and anxious.” “I’m feeling fearful and fatigued.” “Frustrated and dismayed.” “The current workload is not sustainable.” The...

  • 06/06/2020 22:47

    Now is the time for a 'great reset'

    COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely,...

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