A very inspiring blog that contains motivational stories about different areas of knowledge as Economics, Technology, Politics, Ethics or Business a s well as personnel reflections and thoughts.

If you need a relaxing time after a bad day at the office or think that you can’t become that person who goes it along and starts up something awesome, then why not try to read my Blog?. I hope my humble contributions make you to feel more motivated to be a success in business and in life


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  • 18/04/2020 19:18

    How to become a winner company in crists time

    During the coming 3-6 months keep liquidity for survival à what to do? reduce operating costs, focus on irrelevant costs /look for efficiency, cutting some CAPEX or defer it / new funds, extend maturity to defer interest payments or get new loans though governments. Larger cooperation with...

  • 18/04/2020 10:44

    Winners and losers during the COVIT-19 unprecedent times

        WINNERS Online retailers Online retail delivery companies Online streaming services Video games and appls Home food and medical delivery Fast food/take-out restaurants Teleservices Home exercise equipment Cyber security FinTechs Automation and Robotics 3D Printing Equipments and...

  • 18/04/2020 10:43

    La tecnología blockchain concita interés en el sector sanitario

    The healthcare sector is studying possible blockchain use cases. New York, for example, believes that technology is useful for keeping track and tracking of drugs and supplies The New York healthcare industry has begun to recognize the potential of using blockchain technology to track medications,...

  • 11/04/2020 10:12

    Cómo mantenerse productivo y optimista durante la crisis del Coronavirus

      Querer ser feliz no es sinónimo de conseguirlo. Cuando la actitud no lo es todo, es necesario activar mecanismos y técnicas para contagiarse de optimismo y felicidad. Hoy no es fácil, para nadie además, mantenerse feliz, optimista y concentrado en el entorno laboral, es decir, nuestro...

  • 05/04/2020 08:39

    What mattered in the automotive and mobility markets in 2019, and what will dominate the space in 2020? We look closer at the autonomous, connected, electrified, and shared trends that matter.

    One thing that is certain is the fast-changing world of future mobility. We do expect that 2020 will be at least as interesting as 2019 along several dimensions: Consumers. As CO2 regulations in Europe kick in next year and more EVs need to be pushed onto the road, 2020 will be an important year...

  • 04/04/2020 20:14

    Cambios geoestratégicos, tecnológicos y de management por el Covid-19

    ¿Qué cambios geoestratégicos, tecnológicos y de management sucederán durante y después del Covid-19? How many unnecessary meetings we have had when situation was stable and how many trips we spent so now with COVIT we can rethink the approach for when back in the office Reinvent...

  • 04/04/2020 20:13

    Liderazgo en tiempos de crisis con Koldo Echebarria

    Conceptos sobre gestión de crisis Crisis : eventos de baja probabilidad/experiencia (no planificado) y alto impacto que amenaza los objetivos de una organización de no hacer nada. Sino tenemos experiencia previa solo podemos aprender de la crisis y como esta avanza. Debemos asumir capacidad de...

  • 04/04/2020 08:27

    Cómo mantenerse productivo y optimista durante la crisis del Coronavirus

    Querer ser feliz no es sinónimo de conseguirlo. Cuando la actitud no lo es todo, es necesario activar mecanismos y técnicas para contagiarse de optimismo y felicidad.Hoy no es fácil, para nadie además, mantenerse feliz, optimista y concentrado en el entorno laboral, es decir, nuestro escritorio...

  • 28/03/2020 22:53

    Why are Markets Collapsing? How Bad Will COVID-19 Really Be?

    Markets are collapsing because investors hate uncertainty. Will COVID-19 be as bad as last year’s flu? Will it be 10 times as bad? No one knows. But markets are acting as if we are going to encounter the worst-case scenario, notes Eric K. Clemons in this opinion piece. Clemons is a professor of...

  • 28/03/2020 22:44

    Coronavirus crisis: There is no way back to business as usual in the EU

    The Covid-19 crisis has brought the European economy to a standstill. More and more states are taking drastic measures to contain the spread of the virus, while nobody can predict how long these exceptional circumstances will persist. As with any other crisis, we are once again learning that the...

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