A very inspiring blog that contains motivational stories about different areas of knowledge as Economics, Technology, Politics, Ethics or Business a s well as personnel reflections and thoughts.
If you need a relaxing time after a bad day at the office or think that you can’t become that person who goes it along and starts up something awesome, then why not try to read my Blog?. I hope my humble contributions make you to feel more motivated to be a success in business and in life
11/04/2021 07:38
What is blockchain and what can it do?
Blockchain is a distributed ledger that allows for more transparent and verifiable record keeping It can be a long, complex and costly chain of connections, with each taking a small fee from every transaction. Typically, it involves a series of banks or other large payment processing businesses who...
10/04/2021 13:07
Digitization, decarbonization, and electrification
Energy represents one of the last major economic sectors to undergo digital disruption, but massive change is under way. The key to providing sustainable solutions such as energy as a service is a company’s willingness to embrace ambiguity, risk, and discomfort, according to the head of innovation...
03/04/2021 15:20
Will productivity and growth return after the COVID-19 crisis?
Bold innovation by some firms under pressure of the pandemic could deliver a productivity dividend, but that depends on corporate action broadening and robust demand The pandemic caused the deepest economic disruption since World War II, disrupting both supply and demand, and the way ahead is...
28/03/2021 08:51
The postpandemic state of fashion
What is the state of fashion? It’s a challenged state. We’ve seen a year like no other. It’s going to be the worst year for the fashion and luxury industry since collecting any figures. On development, it’s unprecedented. It’s not comparable to a financial crisis. It’s probably closer to...
21/03/2021 06:53
Accelerating data and analytics transformations in the public sector
An increasing number of organizations are embarking on programs to embed data and analytics at the heart of their operations, aware of the potential to transform performance. Adopting data and analytics is never easy. A transition to new technologies, new ways of working, and a new,...
20/03/2021 13:03
The committed innovator: A conversation with board director Ireena Vittal
A view of growth and innovation First it's key the realization that growth is an issue of mindset, not the state of market. Secondly margins come from the investing structure. You can have an amazing mindset about growth, but if the industry structure is off-kilter, you have to be very patient. The...
14/03/2021 08:17
The COVID-Exit
With vaccines being released and stock markets going through the roof, you could speculate that there is at least a line of sight toward the end of the crisis, and certainly a cause for thinking about how to lead our enterprises toward the exit. We have seen in previous crises that it is extremely...
06/03/2021 17:34
A battle plan for telcos’ digital-attacker brands
Many operators need to transform themselves to cope with new market conditions but have had difficulty making an organization-wide overhaul. A smart digital-attacker strategy may be the solution. Global telecom giants currently find themselves at a critical crossroads. Although coverage is...
27/02/2021 15:33
How Japan can make digital ‘big moves’ to drive growth and productivity
Incrementalism will not close the digital-competitiveness gap. Japan must undertake some transformative steps, which we call big moves—concerted efforts by major industries or stakeholders to reform their operations, capitalize on emerging trends, and embed digital technology across the...
14/02/2021 15:46
¿Por qué poner el foco en los equipos?
Aunque nos gusta sentirnos importantes y gracias a nosotros «bla, bla, bla,…..», la verdad es que el impacto que las personas individualmente conseguimos (aunque seamos el rayo de la guerra) es limitado. Nuestras contribuciones son importantes, pero con impactos limitados. Hoy las...
20/06/2021 08:34
How to future-proof your organization
Chris Gagnon and Elizabeth Mygatt talk about what it takes for companies to be “future ready” in...
13/06/2021 11:58
Forward Thinking on artificial intelligence with Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott
In this episode of the McKinsey Global Institute’s Forward Thinking podcast, MGI’s...
13/06/2021 11:55
Forward Thinking on artificial intelligence
By James Manyika and Michael Chui Open interactive popup Forward Thinking on artificial...
06/06/2021 09:09
The search for purpose at work
When we think about this idea of individual purpose, the way we think about it is it’s an...
30/05/2021 12:49
Leveraging digital and analytics in biopharma operations: Six principles
As biopharma companies continue to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and position themselves for...
09/05/2021 10:14
Adopting a smart data mindset in a world of big data
Industrial companies are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) as part of the fourth digital...
01/05/2021 15:08
Winning with AI is a state of mind
Companies capturing lasting value from artificial intelligence think differently, from the C-suite...
25/04/2021 12:25
The CFO’s role in capability building
Organizations developing new skills for the next normal must determine exactly how and where to...
24/04/2021 08:08
Machine Learning Blog
El 'machine learning' –aprendizaje automático– es una rama de la inteligencia artificial que...
17/04/2021 17:17
Reimagining your business for AI
Achieving the level of customization, personalization, and operational efficiency necessary to...