Article archive

  • 30/05/2020 13:07

    La tecnología ayudará a recuperar EL ESTADO DEL BIENESTAR, LAS EMPRESAS Y A LA ECONOMÍA

    La tecnología ayudará a recuperar 1-EL ESTADO DEL BIENESTAR 2-EL EMPRESARIADO 3-LA ECONOMIA La tecnología es un recurso magnífico para transformar el entorno y hacerlo un lugar mejor. Cuando actúa como herramienta de transformación social, tiene la capacidad de evolucionar a la velocidad a la que...

  • 30/05/2020 13:07

    PYMES Hay que trabajar para conseguir organizaciones más resilientes

      Una vez superada la crisis del Covid-19, las pequeñas y medianas empresas deberán aprovechar con inteligencia la habilidad que han mostrado para sobreponerse a las circunstancias desfavorables de un entorno crítico. Las PYMES, o aquellas que sobrevivirán a la crisis, en general, están...

  • 23/05/2020 12:38

    Flash estratégico en tiempos de disrupción

    Criterios para plantear el mejor modelo de planificación estratégica a implementar Nivel de incertidumbre Variabilidad del modelo de negocio, cuan modificable es el modelo de negocio (maleabilidad) Restricciones de recursos clave (i.e COVIT restricción de liquidez para empresas y...

  • 16/05/2020 10:30

    The World Bank predicts areas most at risk to coronavirus

    Across the globe, well-functioning cities do one thing really well – they bring people together. Social and economic interactions are the hallmark of city life, making people more productive and often creating a vibrant market for innovations by entrepreneurs and investors. No country can achieve...

  • 16/05/2020 09:29

    COVID-19 could estimulate automation and reverse globalization (reshoring GVCs)

    The current COVID-19 pandemic has fully exposed the vulnerabilities of global value chains (GVCs) which are characterised by high interdependencies between global lead firms and suppliers located across several continents. Many countries are currently facing supply shortages of critical medical...

  • 09/05/2020 14:08

    Sustainable Investments

    Society needs companies to generate economic growth that benefits all stakeholders, and that's something all of us could easily agree on. The donation our own companies where we devote our professional activities , in line with our company purpose, should support a commitment to creating greater...

  • 03/05/2020 08:46

    Leading in Times of Crisis/Guiding Principles of Leading in Turbulent Times

    Some advices and experiences collected from several key leaders as joining different webinars over the last week For entrepreneurs the advice to build a strong framework to develop the successful biz in turbulent times Operational environment/know the context social, political, regulation in the...

  • 01/05/2020 12:10

    10 technology trends to watch in the COVID-19 pandemic

    1. Online Shopping and Robot Deliveries In late 2002, the SARS outbreak led to a tremendous growth of both business-to-business and business-to-consumer online marketplace platforms in China. Similarly, COVID-19 has transformed online shopping from a nice-to-have to a must-have around the...

  • 25/04/2020 09:48

    Who will be the winners in a post-pandemic economy?

    Who will be the winners in a post-pandemic economy? • Businesses that use cloud computing will not be under the pressure of the coronavirus pandemic. • Further automation and artificial intelligence will enhance the resilience of supply chains. • Successful businesses will have a combination of...

  • 18/04/2020 19:52

    solidarity during confinement

    Uncertain times. We don’t know how world looks like after isolation. Immediate examples of solidarity all over the world. It’s important to celebrate it (friends, relatives, neighbors) people cares for the others (solidarity). A lot of samples of solidarity (make calls to old people solidarity...

Items: 31 - 40 of 73
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